Measure 41 on the November 2006 ballot offers fool’s gold to Oregonians. The measure would make Oregon’s tax system more complicated and cause cuts in public services Oregonians rely upon, such as schools, the Oregon Health Plan, senior assistance programs, and public safety initiatives.
Download a copy of this issue brief:
Fool’s Gold: How Measure 41 would leave seniors and others behind (PDF)
Measure 41 picks winners and losers among Oregon families. For example, elderly Oregonians lose out. Most elderly Oregonians would receive no tax cut from Measure 41. Low-income elderly Oregonians are especially unlikely to receive a tax cut. Further, these low-income elderly Oregonians would be among the most exposed to the cuts in public services that would result if Measure 41 passes.
More about: personal income, personal income tax, tax expenditures