HB 4093: Oregon needs a Genuine Progress Indicator


HB 4093: Oregon needs a Genuine Progress Indicator

HB 4093 would establish the Genuine Progress Indicator, a consistent measure of the well-being of Oregonians.

HB 4093: Oregon needs a Genuine Progress Indicator

Chair Lively, Vice-Chairs Cate and Kropf, and Members of the Committee,

My name is Daniel Hauser, Director of Strategic Policy Projects for the Oregon Center for Public Policy, and I respectfully submit this testimony in support of the creation of an Oregon Genuine Progress Indicator.

The Oregon Center for Public Policy is a think tank dedicated to improving the economic outcomes for all Oregonians, particularly low-income families and Oregonians of color, through research and analysis.

Fundamental to this mission is defining and measuring the economic, social, and environmental health of Oregonians and where there are disparities for communities of color. Our research has often dug into questions of poverty, income inequality, economic growth, and more. HB 4093 would establish the Genuine Progress Indicator, a consistent measure of the well-being of Oregonians.

On its own, measuring and publishing more exhaustive data on how the state is doing in improving the lives of our neighbors has value. However, what I find most compelling about this legislation is that it sets the stage for policies to be evaluated based on a more inclusive projection of economic, social, and environmental impact. A thorough

I look forward to the day when budget requests are compared based on their holistic impact on Oregonians, so that limited resources can be prioritized in a way that delivers the greatest value to our communities and to the Oregonians in greatest need. I look forward to the day when tax proposals are examined not just on the basis of the revenue gained or lost, but also on their overall impact on the well-being of all Oregonians.

Thank you for hearing HB 4093 and I hope a Genuine Progress Indicator will be calculated and available for use in Oregon soon.

Picture of Daniel Hauser

Daniel Hauser

Daniel Hauser is the Deputy Director of the Oregon Center for Public Policy

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