Less Than You Think


Less Than You Think

In its fifth special session the Oregon Legislative Assembly referred a temporary income tax increase to the voters. Measure 28, on the January 28, 2003, special election ballot, will increase the top tax rate from 9 to 9.5 percent, a 5.6 percent increase, for tax years 2002 through 2004.

Less Than You Think

A Distributional Analysis of Measure 28, the Temporary Income Tax Proposal on the January 28, 2003 Special Election Ballot

In its fifth special session the Oregon Legislative Assembly referred a temporary income tax increase to the voters. Measure 28, on the January 28, 2003, special election ballot, will increase the top tax rate from 9 to 9.5 percent, a 5.6 percent increase, for tax years 2002 through 2004. For tax year 2002, the new rate will apply to income greater than $6,275 ($12,550 for joint filers). In 2003 the new rate will apply to income greater than $6,375 ($12,750 for joint filers). This study estimates that the new rate will apply to income greater than $6,550 in 2004 ($13,510 for joint filers).

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Written by staff at the Oregon Center for Public Policy.

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