All of us deserve to be economically secure. Oregon needs a Guaranteed Income.

Why Now?

Oregon is a prosperous state in history’s wealthiest country. Oregonians work hard to create the abundant and vibrant communities that make our state special. Unfortunately, Oregon’s prosperity is not shared.

Decades of tax giveaways to the rich and corporations, and divestment in the supports families need to make ends meet have left many Oregonians struggling to get by. This is especially true for Black, Indigenous, and other Oregonians of color who have faced systemic exclusion when it comes to sharing in our state’s wealth. According to some estimates, as many as 2 in every 5 Oregonians lack the income needed to meet a basic survival budget. It doesn’t need to be this way.

Communities across the country are taking a new approach: giving people unrestricted cash through a guaranteed income. A guaranteed income provides the economic foundation families need to build their futures. It helps fill in the gaps when stagnant wages aren’t enough. It pays for the hard work of caring for our children and elders that too often goes unpaid. In ensures all of us have some extra room to breathe.

Across the state, people are coming together to build a movement for an income floor in Oregon. Join us. 

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Add your voice

Investing directly in people has the power to change lives. As one recipient of a guaranteed income in Stockton, CA said, “it’s like being able to breathe.”

What’s your story? In recent years many Oregonians received federal stimulus checks or monthly payments through the expanded Child Tax Credit. How has unrestricted cash changed your life? What would your community look like if everyone had their basic needs met? We want to hear from you.

Grow the movement

We can’t do this work alone. Building an income floor in our state will take Oregonians coming together to make it happen.

Want to grow the movement for a guaranteed income in your community? Use our toolkit to host a community conversation and get your friends and family involved in the campaign. Can’t join a community conversation? Use the self-directed option to learn more about the movement for an income floor.

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