The Real Squeeze


The Real Squeeze

Contrary to claims that surface each year with the arrival of tax day (April 15th), household taxes in Oregon have become more affordable over the last decade. The source of the financial squeeze confronting many Oregonians is not taxes, but the rising cost of basic household budget items, including housing, health care, child care, and higher education.

The Real Squeeze

Taxes Are More Affordable While Other Household Costs Rise

Contrary to claims that surface each year with the arrival of tax day (April 15th), household taxes in Oregon have become more affordable over the last decade. The source of the financial squeeze confronting many Oregonians is not taxes, but the rising cost of basic household budget items, including housing, health care, child care, and higher education. These budget items outstripped income growth during the prosperous 1990s, and have become even more costly in the down economy the state has suffered since.

Read more:  Taxes Are More Affordable While Other Household Costs Rise.

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Written by staff at the Oregon Center for Public Policy.

Jeff Thompson

Jeff Thompson is an economist and policy analyst with the Oregon Center for Public Policy.

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