Bizarre Study on State Spending Exposed
When it comes to state and local government spending, should Oregon spend like Vermont or like Utah?
When it comes to state and local government spending, should Oregon spend like Vermont or like Utah?
Associated Oregon Industries, the Oregon Business Association, and the Oregon Business Council say they want to stabilize our public finance system in general, and funding for education, in particular.
Sheldon Cohen, a former commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, once wrote, “People think taxation is a terribly mundane subject.
Silverton is a quaint town where most parking meters take only pennies, nickels, and dimes.
More than a month before Halloween, Oregonians were treated to partisan activists clad in Colonial garb “reenacting” the 1773 Boston Tea Party.
The Oregon Legislature reflects Oregonians. Like their constituents, too many legislators fail to understand and acknowledge the important role government plays in Oregon’s economy and in our daily economic and social life.
Widespread interest in the estate tax is remarkable, given that it collects nothing from 98 percent of the deaths that occur each year.
The first lesson in Oregon Corporate Taxes 101: if you’re paying them, get a new accountant. About two thirds of Oregon’s corporations, or 23,000 corporations, pay just the $10 corporate minimum tax.
Beware the medicine man selling the stability drug to cure Oregon’s fiscal woes. Today’s fiscal ill-health stems from a legislature and electorate who rarely saw a tax cut they didn’t like and refused to save for the economic rainy days.
Oregonians have good reasons to be mad at Enron. Friends and neighbors who work for Enron subsidiary Portland General Electric saw their retirement savings vanish.
© Oregon Center for Public Policy 2023