Tax Loopholes

Tax Loopholes

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Chair Meek, Vice-Chair Boquist, and Members of the Committee, My name is Daniel Hauser, Deputy Director for the Oregon Center

Tax breaks — officially called “tax expenditures” — can either help heal the racial divide or worsen it. In other

Oregon suffers from a severe, long-standing housing crisis. Many families are one missed paycheck away from eviction, tens of thousands

Chair Meek, Vice-Chair Boquist, and members of the Committee: My name is Daniel Hauser (he/him), Deputy Director for the Oregon

Making Oregonians more economically secure requires investing in our well-being: housing, education, child care, and more. One fair way to

Chair Nathanson, Vice-Chairs Reschke and Walters, and members of the committee, My name is Daniel Hauser, Deputy Director for the

Chair Nathanson, Vice-Chairs Reschke and Walters, and Members of the Committee, My name is Daniel Hauser, Deputy Director of the

The new House majority nearly came to blows in electing one of their own as speaker of the U.S. House

One of the main places where the superrich go to stash their money and avoid taxes is the U.S. This
My name is Daniel Hauser, tax policy analyst for the Oregon Center for Public Policy, and I respectfully submit this

Action Plan for the People​

How to Build Economic Justice in Oregon

Action Plan for the People​

How to Build Economic Justice in Oregon

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