Wage Theft

Wage Theft

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Chair Power, Vice-Chair Wallan, and members of House Subcommittee on Civil Law: My name is Janet Bauer, and I am

Oregon employers face no real downside to stealing the wages of their workers, because the state rarely penalizes them, and
Oregon employers face almost no downside to stealing the wages of workers, given that the boss rarely pays a penalty
This May Day arrives as many workers in Oregon struggle just to get paid for their labor.
Oregon must take action to protect workers from wage theft, as it harms workers, their communities, honest businesses, and the
You didn’t get paid overtime. Your boss forced you to work off the clock before or after your shift. Your
Among all industries in Oregon, the construction industry is one of the most fraught with wage theft. Many construction workers
The failure of employers to pay workers the wages they have earned harms families and the public. It increases poverty,
Oregon devotes far fewer resources protecting workers cheated out of their wages by employers than it did a generation ago,

Combating theft — especially stealing from some of the most vulnerable Oregonians — ought not be controversial. It should be

Action Plan for the People​

How to Build Economic Justice in Oregon

Action Plan for the People​

How to Build Economic Justice in Oregon

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