


By law, we are required to provide certain tax documents to the public upon request.


By law, we are required to provide certain tax documents to the public upon request. We are making these materials available online.

Questions? Please contact: T. Harper, tharper@ocpp.org, 971.279.4732

The Files

  1. Federal Regulations about Public Disclosure Requirements for Tax-Exempt Organizations
  2. Federal Tax Exempt Application Form 1023 (11 pages)
  3. Supporting Documents for Federal Tax Exempt Application Form 1023 (6 pages)
  4. Current OCPP By-Laws (includes statement of purpose) (3 pages)
  5. Articles of Incorporation (Oregon Secretary of State) (3 pages)
  6. Federal and State Tax Documents

Fiscal Year 2022, IRS form 990, Oregon DOJ form CT 12

Fiscal Year 2021, IRS form 990, Oregon DOJ form CT 12

Fiscal Year 2020, IRS form 990, Oregon DOJ form CT 12

Fiscal Year 2019,IRS form 990, Oregon DOJ form CT 12

Picture of OCPP


Written by staff at the Oregon Center for Public Policy.

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