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Rather than open job opportunities for native-born workers, mass deportations would lead to a negative ripple effect throughout the job
Labor Commissioner Christina Stephenson explains the surge in claims and staffing shortage confronting the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries.
Get the basics on workforce standards boards, an effective strategy for states to improve wages and working conditions.
Measure 116 would create an independent commission that would decide the salaries for lawmakers, the governor and other state elected
No taxes on tips, as an Oregon Senator recently proposed, would do little to help struggling workers.
Exempting tips from taxes makes the tax system less fair while opening the door to yet more gaming of system
This episode of Policy for the People takes a deep dive into Measure 118, the Oregon Rebate.
Workforce standards boards are a proven strategy that state lawmakers should employ to improve the economic security of Oregonians.
Bob Lord of Patriotic Millionaires explains why we need to tax extreme wealth in order to shrink inequality and save

Action Plan for the People​

How to Build Economic Justice in Oregon

Action Plan for the People​

How to Build Economic Justice in Oregon

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