Family Tax Credits

Family Tax Credits

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OCPP is advocating for three legislative priorities designed to lift up workers, support families, and strengthen communities.
For too long, tax filing as been complicated and costly. But with Direct File, a simple and free tax filing
Tax filing is our civic duty, but fulfilling that obligation should not come with unnecessary costs and headaches.
The Oregon Kids' Credit can be worth up to $1,000 per eligible child.
To get the Oregon Kids' Credit this tax season, families need to file a tax return.

Statement by OCPP Executive Director Alejandro Queral on proposal to expand the Child Tax Credit   A congressional deal to

Oregon lawmakers have approved the creation of a state child tax credit to help low-income families with young children, and
“Are we going to take care of our kids and help them be healthy and successful and ready to become
The data and the stories agree: Parents and children across the state need help to afford their basic needs, and

“I work full time,” said Felicia, a single mom raising a 4-year-old son, “and feel like no matter how hard

Action Plan for the People​

How to Build Economic Justice in Oregon

Action Plan for the People​

How to Build Economic Justice in Oregon

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