OCPP’s top 5 stories of 2017


OCPP’s top 5 stories of 2017

As 2017 comes to a close, we look back on the Center’s publications that proved most popular with Oregonians. Here they are, listed in reverse order:

OCPP’s top 5 stories of 2017

As 2017 comes to a close, we look back on the Center’s publications that proved most popular with Oregonians. Here they are, listed in reverse order:

5) Highest Earning Oregonians Pull Away. Income inequality rightly remains a top concern for our readers.

4) Clearing the smoke on the pot tax. What can we say? It’s Oregon.

3) Answers to your questions about Ballot Measure 101 and the health care of Oregonians. Great to see this on the list, as the health care of hundreds of thousands of Oregonians is on the line in the upcoming January 23 vote.

2) Oregon’s Top Performing Economy Can Offer Opportunity for All. Our readers couldn’t help coming back to these graphs showing that a booming economy does not necessarily produce prosperity for all Oregonians.

1) Oregonians have one target to stop the GOP tax scheme: Walden. The federal tax plan is a massive tax cut for corporations and the rich paid for by tax hikes on many in the middle class. Clearly, it did not go over well with many Oregonians that one member of our congressional delegation supported this legislative travesty.

We thank you for reading our material. As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions. We look forward to engaging with you in 2018.

Picture of Juan Carlos Ordóñez

Juan Carlos Ordóñez

Juan Carlos is the Oregon Center for Public Policy's Communications Director

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