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Is there a way for Oregon to ensure that everyone in our state has access to affordable, quality health care?

Chair Prusak, Vice-Chair Hayden, Vice-Chair Salinas, and Members of the Committee: My name is Janet Bauer, Senior Policy Analyst for

Chair Prusak, Vice-Chair Hayden, Vice-Chair Salinas, and Members of the Committee, My name is Janet Bauer (she/her), Senior Policy Analyst

The healthcare of many Oregonians is on the line in a case soon to be argued before the U.S. Supreme
Progress has stalled. That’s the main takeaway from the latest data on health insurance coverage in Oregon, released yesterday by
At a time when there is a dire need for federal leadership in confronting a national housing crisis, the Trump
In 2018, teacher strikes dominated headlines and Capitol buildings. Teachers in West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arizona and Colorado shut down schools,
Today’s Census data shows more Oregonians had health insurance coverage in 2016 than the previous year. Oregon continues making steady
The Center and other partner organizations held a press conference to push back on the Senate health care plan. Watch
Whom, exactly, does U.S. Congressman Greg Walden represent? Officially, of course, he represents all the people living in Oregon’s 2nd

Action Plan for the People​

How to Build Economic Justice in Oregon

Action Plan for the People​

How to Build Economic Justice in Oregon

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